Suggested Writing Prompts

If you wish to contribute but aren’t sure about what to provide, we encourage the submission of personal accounts responding to your distance learning experiences. Please feel free to respond to the following and submit to our email ([email protected]) or our form.

Do not feel obligated to respond to all of these. Feel free to submit another written reflection about how COVID-19 has impacted your CUNY courses. For example, if you have emailed students, staff, or faculty since this public health crisis began, please submit that, or include it in your response.

Who are you?

  • Questions for all:
    • Are you a student, staff, faculty, or more than one?
    • At which CUNY campus(es) do you teach or learn?
    • What academic discipline(s) are you in?
    • At what level do you teach, work, or learn: community college, four-year college, graduate school, etc…?
    • What is your position: adjunct, administration, undergraduate student, etc…?


  • Questions for all: 
    • We want to understand your plans for your classes as they move to online platforms. From your perspective, how much did the  courses you are taking, teaching, or supporting have to change in order to move to a remote learning environment? Are they still the same courses?
    • What do you anticipate are the potential advantages and limitations of an online class in your discipline? If your discipline has specific experiential learning, can it be recreated in an online environment? What might be possible with online learning that was not possible in your traditional classroom? 
  • If you are an instructor, what is your plan for adapting your course? If you are staff, how is this impacting the courses you are working with? How are you being called upon to adapt in this moment? As a student, how has your course changed, and how will you have to change your study habits, work schedule, and other life responsibilities?
  • How will this process affect access and accessibility of higher education? If you are a student, do you have sufficient access to technology, software, devices to complete the rest of your semester? If you are staff managing a lab, how is your program supporting access to this infrastructure?  If you are an instructor, how have you made accommodations for students different degrees of technological access to avoid exacerbating these inequities? How will this experiment impact the accessibility needs of students with disabilities? 


  • Questions for all:
    • From your perspective as a student, staff, and/or instructor, do you feel prepared for online learning?
    • How has this abrupt shift to online learning affected the kind of work you do, and how much you are doing? Is it an increase or decrease in: studying, teaching, preparation, intellectual labor, emotional labor, physical labor, etc. 
    • How has your definition of educational success/failure shifted as a result of the unexpected transition to online learning? How have course expectations shifted in a remote learning environment? Do you think these expectations are different for students, faculty, and staff?


  • Questions for all:
    • How and where are you seeking, teaching, and learning support as classes move to online platforms? 
    • How have you supported others as courses move to online platforms? 
    • How are you addressing the possible changes in the health and wellbeing of those around you? How do you translate this into your communications with others: students, staff, faculty, etc.
    • Where and when are you engaging with your online class? How does that environment enable you or prevent you from engaging, in comparison to the face to face environment? 
    • How do you think this experience will change education overall, and how society views traditional and online education? Do you think this will result in more or less online courses in the future? 
  • As a teacher or staff member, have you found that you need to engage online with students’ emotional responses to the changes, personal and educational, wrought by the COVID-19 crisis? As a student, have you found that faculty and staff are engaging with you in this way, and if so, is it welcome, or unwelcome?